In construction process, stage of general design is the essential part of successful fulfillment of construction process. It is general designer who is responsible for full development of projects – from idea to its fulfillment. The main tasks of general designer are, first of all, concept formulation, conceptual design and coordination of the concept with a Client, secondly, arrangement of integrated elaboration of design documents and their consolidation in a single project.
General designer is entitled to involve sub-designers but it is the general designer who is responsible for quality of the executed work carrying out total design control over sub-designers and ensuring elaboration of full set of preliminary permissions (stage P (П)) for coordination and approval by authorities. General designer also prepares working design documents (stage R (Р)) that are prepared after the project passes state expert review.
General designer accompanies the project till the end of construction carrying out designer supervision of construction and mounting works. After that he affirms conformation of the already built object with design documents in order to get Final report of conformity of the object of capital construction with requirements of technical regulations required for obtaining the Certificate of commissioning of the object.
In construction process, stage of general design is the essential part of successful fulfillment of construction process. It is general designer who is responsible for full development of projects – from idea to its fulfillment. The main tasks of general designer are, first of all, concept formulation, conceptual design and coordination of the concept with a Client, secondly, arrangement of integrated elaboration of design documents and their consolidation in a single project.
General designer is entitled to involve sub-designers but it is the general designer who is responsible for quality of the executed work carrying out total design control over sub-designers and ensuring elaboration of full set of preliminary permissions (stage P (П)) for coordination and approval by authorities. General designer also prepares working design documents (stage R (Р)) that are prepared after the project passes state expert review.
General designer accompanies the project till the end of construction carrying out designer supervision of construction and mounting works. After that he affirms conformation of the already built object with design documents in order to get Final report of conformity of the object of capital construction with requirements of technical regulations required for obtaining the Certificate of commissioning of the object.
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Being a general designer, «SiF» , first of all, makes conceptual design where you can find the main content and basic ideas of the author regarding working efficiency of the future object. And only after the Client’s approval we start works on detailed development of the project.
«SiF» has all the required SRO (self-regulatory organization) permits for design works. In our staff you will find only highly experienced and qualified design engineers who will help you work out your project conform to all standards and legal acts.
General designing includes:
- design arrangement on all project stages;
- design works supervision regarding stages and time frame;
- design documents quality supervision according to state standards, norms and regulations;
- coordination of design and estimate documents;
- approval of the project in state authorities, state expert review;
- obtaining of construction permit;
- assistance in choice of general contractor
- delivery of approved design documents to general contractor in due time;
- author’s supervision of construction works;
- obtaining of commissioning act.
If you address to «SiF», you will not need to look for engineers, architects, designers, to arrange their work and distribute responsible tasks among them. There is no need to coordinate activity of several executors of different parts of design documents and supervise their work. General designer «SiF» is fully responsible to the Client for results of work of subcontractors chosen.
During the whole period of works for construction or reconstruction «SiF» designers accompany the project. In case of amendments to construction or reconstruction conditions we promptly make changes in the project, find out and correct mistakes and defects revealed in construction process.
After completion of construction on the stage of commissioning of the facility our responsible representative, being a general designer, takes part in its approval by state authorities together with general contractor.
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